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Keys To The New Place

Exit Your Business.  Retire.  Explore New Opportunities

Selling your business can be overwhelming.  


You have put years of effort into your business. Now that it’s time to sell, you want to get maximum value for your blood, sweat, and tears and you want to feel confident that the business and those who helped you build it are left in good hands.


Right now, many baby-boomers are exiting businesses and there is considerable competition for buyers who would rather take over an existing business than grow one from scratch. 


We can help.


At Pivotleader Business Brokers, we specialize in getting full value for our clients and in finding qualified buyers who want to grow your business into the future. Contact us today and see how Pivotleader can help you exit your business and retire or explore new opportunities.  

Curious about how much your business is worth
and might sell for?

We will provide you with a Business Valuation Estimate (BVE) based on your financials and other information you provide that will give you a range of value of the worth of your business.


We will research your market and industry and give you an 

report that will enable you to have some clarity about how much you might be able to sell your business for. 


Cost: $ 1,000

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PivotLeader Business Brokers can Help You Sell Your Business

Financing the Sale

While there are few ways to buy a house, there are a variety of ways that buyers can buy a business. In many cases vendors will need to finance a portion of the sale price. How is this done and how can sellers ensure that they are going to get paid? At Pivotleader, we work in supporting buyers and sellers in investigating the different options to ensure that sellers get the optimum price with the lowest risk taking tax considerations into the mix.

Strengthen your Team and Your Systems

Buyers want a business that is not reliant on the owner and has identified the steps to success. People are often one of your key assets, ensuring that you have the right people in place and they are performing at high levels in an accountable fashion are essential.  Some businesses struggle in this area and in preparing for a sale, business owners often feel challenged in making the right decisions and documenting processes.  The Pivotleader team has done this before and is here to support you

Organize and Prepare Your Financials

You can get top dollar for your business if you can prove that it is making money. Buyers are looking for a business that is profitable, has strong financial revenue streams and has growth potential.  Potential buyers want to see detailed financials so they can compare them to benchmark data from your industry to ensure they are going to be able to pay for the business in the long term.  In order to prepare for your business to sell you may need to start years in advance to get things ready. If your business is already making good money preparation is much easier. The Pivotleader team is ready to help and work with your financial professionals.

Identify and Create Recurring Revenue Streams

If you want a business that is valuable you need to have a business model that is predictable and has recurring revenue streams. Identifying these streams and spotting opportunities for growth are part of the documentation stage of preparing your business for sale.

Add Growth Potential

Buyers are looking for businesses that have a bright future. While you may be satisfied with your current sales, oftentimes new buyers will not be. The Pivotleader team specializes in growing and preparing businesses for new opportunities. We will help you identify growth opportunities that will support buyer interest.

Valuation and Pricing Your Business

While everyone wants to get a million dollars for their business, the reality is that every industry has formulas for pricing businesses based on net profits and assets. At Pivotleader we can help you determine the best selling price based on industry standards and because we are located in the north take economic situations into account to ensure sellers get the maximum price.

Market and Sell Your Business

 It's great that you want to sell your business but how exactly do you find qualified buyers in a confidential manner?  This is a challenge that is often more difficult than it first appears. Many business owners don’t want their staff, customers and competition to know that they are for sale. Pivotleader Business brokers work in a confidential and secretive manner (if that is your preference) to support your sale and find prospective buyers who just aren’t kicking tires.

Help you Transition

Selling your business can be both exciting and scary!  Having owned, bought and sold their own businesses, our brokers understand what sellers like you are going through. They can help you prepare your staff, and give you tips on how to prepare with your family. We can link you up to tax specialists, financial advisors, bankers and others who can support you if needed.

How Long Does It Take? 

Selling your business is much more complex and often but not always more difficult than selling a house. If your financials are in order and the business is showing a profit you can expect that it will take between 6 months and 1 year for a business sale to complete. Once qualified buyers have put in an acceptable offer, the process of due diligence often takes two to six months to complete. The Pivotleader Brokerage team will support you and the buyer through this process and help you work through issues that will come up in the process.

What our Clients are Saying

"Dave and Norm and the Pivotleader team were exceptional in helping us prepare our business to the point where we were able to sell the company. Their support as we went through the sales process and due diligence enabled us to stay on course and reduce our stress levels"

Perry Cloarec, Everguard Fire Equipment


We are grateful to live, work, and be in relation with people from across many traditional and unceded territories in Northern British Columbia. We are honoured to live on this land and are committed to reconciliation and building relationships in all our communities.


"Less Stress. Better Outcomes."


© Pivot Leader Inc. 


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